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Anyone who has a distinguished career in one of the four categories (1. Athlete – Modern, 2. Athlete – Legend, 3. Builder,  or 4. Team) and is identified with Chatham is eligible, including members of the Board of Directors or any of its subcommittees.

Only one candidate in each category is voted to be inducted into the Chatham Hall of Fame in a given year. In the case of a tie, all tied candidates will be inducted.


Nomination Categories

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Anyone who has distinguished themselves in one of the 4 categories above is eligible provided they are identified with Chatham.

  2. An individual can only be nominated in one category in any one year.

  3. Once a candidate is inducted in one category, they cannot be inducted in a second category.

  4. Members of the Board of Directors or any of its subcommittees are eligible for election as Honoured Members.

  5. If, when the Nomination Committee is reviewing new nominations using the Evaluation Guideline, an individual does not meet a minimum standard of 25 points or a team does not meet a minimum standard of 20 points, that nomination will not be accepted for consideration. The committee chairman shall inform the nominator who has the right to revise the nomination and resubmit it at a later time.

  6. There is a maximum of one inductee in each category in a given year unless there is a tie for the most votes in a category, in which case all tied candidates will be inducted.



By Mail: PO Box 1421
Chatham, ON N7M 5W8

By Phone: 519-401-7245

By Email:



Chatham Sports Hall of Fame
Chatham Memorial Arena
80 Tweedsmuir Ave W.
Chatham, ON N7M 5W8


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By CELENE Marketing Agency 2022

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