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Article 1


  1. The name of the organization shall be:

     The Chatham Sports Hall of Fame

Article 2


  1. The purpose of the organization shall be to honour the members of the community for their contribution to sport and to preserve the history of sport in the community.

  2. The Directors of the organization shall at all times administer and maintain the Chatham Sports Hall of Fame.

  3. The organization shall be carried on without purpose of gain for its members and any profits or other gains to the organization shall be used in promoting its objectives.

Article 3








​Board of Directors


The Board of Directors of The Chatham Sports Hall of Fame shall consist of eleven members, two members from the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 642 (who must hold Legion membership) and nine members appointed by the Directors from the community at large.

The president of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 642 shall be an ex-officio member of the Board.


There shall be officer positions of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary. These shall be elected by the Directors for a period to be determined by the board.


The two Legion vacancies on the Board shall be appointed by the Board in agreement with the President of The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 642. The nine at-large positions, if vacant, shall be appointed by the Board.

A vacancy of the Chairman shall be filled by the Vice-chairman. 

 Honoured Members

  1. Honoured Members are all individuals who have been inducted into the Hall of Fame.

  2. Honoured Teams are all teams that have been inducted into the Hall of Fame. Honoured Teams are not Honoured Members of the Hall of Fame.

Article 4


Quorum and voting

  1. A majority of the Board shall form a quorum. Each member shall have one vote on matters of the Board. Tie votes will result in a motion being defeated.

Regular Meetings

  1. The Board may designate one or more days of any month or months of the year as the date on which regular meetings will be held. If this is done and proper notice is given, no individual notice need be given.


  1. Any Director who fails to attend, without reasonable cause as determined by the Board, fifty percent of the Board meetings held in one fiscal year shall, if the Board by resolution decides, be disqualified from serving as a Director.

Removal Old Directors

  1. The Board may by resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Hall of Fame, of which notice specifying the intention to pass the resolution has been given, remove any Director before the expiration of his/her term in office.

Article 5


Signing Authority

  1. Signing officers for all cheques or documents shall be any two of the following: Chairman. Vice-chairman. Treasurer, Secretary, or Bingo Administrator.

Fiscal Year

  1. The fiscal year shall be from November 1 through to October 31.

Winding Up/Dissolution

  1. Upon dissolution of the Hall of Fame, any financial assets remaining after satisfaction of its debts and liabilities. shall be distributed to the J. G. Taylor Community Centre Inc. or other charities of choice. Any physical assets shall be distributed to the Chatham-Kent Museum or other charities of choice.

Article 6



  1. The By-laws of the Hall of Fame may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors. An amendment shall be forwarded to the Board members at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which it is to be presented.


By Mail: PO Box 1421
Chatham, ON N7M 5W8

By Phone: 519-401-7245

By Email:



Chatham Sports Hall of Fame
Chatham Memorial Arena
80 Tweedsmuir Ave W.
Chatham, ON N7M 5W8


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By CELENE Marketing Agency 2022

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