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Eligibility | Quota | How to Nominate



Anyone who has a distinguished career in one of the four categories

1. Athlete – Modern

2. Athlete – Legend

3. Builder

4. Team

and is identified with Chatham is eligible, including members of the Board of Directors or any of its subcommittees.


Only one candidate in each category is voted to be inducted into the Chatham Hall of Fame in a given year. In the case of a tie, all tied candidates will be inducted.


Nominate Here

Deadline for nominations is April 1st of every year.

How to Submit a Nomination:
To nominate an individual or a team for induction into the Chatham Sports Hall of Fame:


Nominations will only be accepted if the nominee has confirmed their nomination with us.

How to confirm nomination: 

Send a message stating you've approved your nomination - Via our contact page or email us*

  1. Download a nomination package

  2. Fill out the form completely & save it by a new name

  3. Attach supporting documents

  4. Return to the Chatham Sports Hall of fame:

Email to: 


Mail: Chatham Sports Hall of Fame, PO Box 1421, Chatham, ON, N7M 5L3



Every year, four inductees are elected into the Chatham Sports Hall of Fame (more in the case of a tie) and up to two inductees receive either the Directors’ Choice Honoured Membership into the Hall of Fame or the Directors’ Choice Induction for Outstanding Achievement.

Selection Process


Deadline for nominations.

APRIL 2nd - 30th

Board of Directors evaluate nomination packages.

MAY 1st

Selection Committee votes for inductees.

JUNE 1st

Returned ballots are counted.

JUNE  1st - 15th

The Board of Directors may

select a “Directors’ Choice for
Honoured Membership”



The Board of Directors Chair announces the new inductees.


Banquet and induction ceremonies at the John D.

Bradley Centre.

Nominations close for the year beginning April 1st

No further nominations are accepted for induction for the current year, however, nominations submitted after April 1st will be considered for the following year.

Board of Directors evaluate nomination packages

The Board of Directors evaluates each new nomination using the criteria outlined on evaluation guidelines and selects nominations that are eligible for induction.

Board of Directors distribute copies of eligible nomination packages and official ballots to the Selection Committee

After nominations are evaluated, copies of eligible nomination packages and official ballots are sent to each member of the Selection Committee. Committee members carefully review each nomination package and individually select the top three candidates for induction in each category on their ballot.

Selection Committee members return ballots to the Selection Committee Chair

The Selection Committee Chair delivers all returned ballots to the Board of Directors who, with at least one Selection Committee member, calculates the votes for each nominee on all the ballots. The candidate with the highest number of votes in each category is selected to be inducted into the Chatham Sports Hall of Fame for the year. There is a maximum of one inductee in each category each year, unless there is a tie in which case all tied candidates are inducted.

Directors’ Choice for Honoured Membership

Directors’ Choice inductees are either given the Directors’ Choice Honoured Membership into the Hall of Fame or the Directors’ Choice Induction for Outstanding Achievement. Each Directors’ Choice inductee, like elected inductees, enjoy all the rights and privileges of Honoured Members.

Directors’ Choice Honoured Memberships
The Board of Directors recognizes that nominees who competed a long time ago or competed in a relatively low profile sport are at a disadvantage when it comes to the election process. Therefore, in addition to the four elected inductees, the Board of Directors may select up to two inductees each year for the Directors’ Choice Honoured Membership into the Hall of Fame. These inductees must meet the minimum qualifications for consideration
for induction and must have appeared on the ballot at least once.


The Board of Directors Chair announces the new inductees

Only the Chair of the Board of Directors, or a designate, can publicly release the election results. Any actions taken during the election process are strictly confidential.

Banquet and induction ceremonies at the John D. Bradley Centre

Each newly-inducted Honoured Member of the Chatham Sports Hall of Fame is presented with a membership insignia and a plaque including a portrait, an action shot and a summary of sports achievements is hung in the Hall at the Memorial Arena.


By Mail: PO Box 1421
Chatham, ON N7M 5W8

By Phone: 519-401-7245

By Email:



Chatham Sports Hall of Fame
Chatham Memorial Arena
80 Tweedsmuir Ave W.
Chatham, ON N7M 5W8


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